• Mukesh Dheda
  • B. Futshane
  • H. Kambafwile
  • H. Fomundam


The increase in ART use comes with the inevitable increase in cases of ART treatment failure, especially that patients are living longer on ART. The main objective of this short study was to conduct an interim review of the Pharmacovigilance database at the National Pharmacovigilance Centre of South Africa in order to profile cases of treatment failure with first-line antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected patients in Mpumalanga Province. From 2851 ADR reports, 853 were reported for male patients, 1699 females and 299 had no gender reported. A total of 271 patients were diagnosed with treatment failure. 170 of these were female, 78 male and for 23 of the reports, gender was unreported. The mean age of the patients who were reported to have treatment failure was 36 years. The highest number of treatment failure was reported from the age group 31 - 40 years with the majority being females. A strong correlation was observed between female sex and treatment failure. The South African National Pharmacovigilance Centre decentralized Pharmacovigilance database is a useful tool that can be used to consistently monitor and document ART treatment failures.

Keywords: Immunological, Virologic, ART, HIV/AIDS.


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How to Cite
Dheda, M., B. Futshane, H. Kambafwile, and H. Fomundam. “A SNAP-SHOT OF FIRST-LINE ART TREATMENT FAILURE CASES FROM MPUMALANGA PROVINCE ON THE DECENTRALISED PHARMACOVIGILANCE PROGRAMME DATABASE”. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs, Vol. 2, no. 3, Feb. 2018, pp. 9-13, doi:10.22270/ijdra.v2i3.136.