• Suresh Kempaiah
  • V. Balamuralidhara
  • Pramod Kumar T.M.
  • Puranik S.B.


Pharmacy is the health profession that links the health science with chemical science and it is charged with ensuring the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs. Gujarat has been one of the pioneer States in India with an exemplary track record. The State of Gujarat have country's most dynamic entrepreneurs who are original and fast-paced in their thinking and focused in their drive for growth and profitability. Accounting for 16 percent of the country's total industrial output and 18percent of the country's total investment, Gujarat is one of the most industrialised states in the country. It has a strong base of educational institutions imparting courses in Pharmacy and some of the institutions have international repute to its credit. Gujarat is one of the fastest growing states in the Country and nearly 3,200 Pharma and biotech companies are housed in the State. Gujarat is a vibrant pharmaceutical manufacturing hub for Medical Devices fortified with sound knowledge based institutions and skilled human resource available in the state, it provides innovative, quality and affordable health care solution to masses. In this short review author provides some of the glimpses of the pharmacy profession in Gujarat.

Keywords: Pharmacy profession, Gujarat, Education, Health, Drug.


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1. Profile of Gujarat [Internet] Official Gujarat state portal, Gujarat; 2016 [cited 2016 Aug 02]. Available from:
2. Food and Drugs Administration, Gujarat [Internet]. Gujarat: FDA; 2016 [cited 2016 Aug 06]. Available from :
3. Food and Drugs Administration, Gujarat [Internet]. Gujarat: FDA; 2016 [cited 2016 Aug 08]. Available from:
http://FDCA / FDA / DCD - login.aspx
4. Gujarat pharmaceutical Industry [Internet]. Gujarat; 2016 [cited 2016 Aug 16]. Available from:
5. Gujarat pharma Industry [Internet]. Gujarat: kpmg; 2016 [cited 2016 Oct 07]. Available from:
6. Pharmaceutical- Vibrant Gujarat [Internet]. Gujarat; 2016 [cited 2016 Oct 08]. Available from:
7. Gujarat pharmacy Council [Internet]. Gujarat;2016 [cited 2016 Oct 18] Available from:
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How to Cite
Kempaiah, S., V. Balamuralidhara, P. K. T.M., and P. S.B. “PHARMACY PROFESSION IN GUJARAT: AN OVERVIEW”. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs, Vol. 4, no. 4, Feb. 2018, pp. 7-14, doi:10.22270/ijdra.v4i4.189.

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