Regulatory architecture of biosimilars in Singapore: A critical overview

  • Soundarya Reddy Kalva Individual
  • Sahitya Reddy Kalva
  • Sudheer Kumar Gumme


A Biosimilar medicine is a medicine which is similar to a biological medicine that has already been authorized (the „biological reference medicine‟). The expiration of the patents on many biological products has prompted the development of these products as similar biological products. The European Medicinal Agency (EMEA) has done a commendable job at creating the regulatory path to facilitate approval of biosimilars. The Health Product Act requires all medicinal products sold in Singapore and manufactured locally for export to be licensed with the Health Products Regulation Group, Health Science Authority (HAS). Biosimilar products are eligible for the New Drug Application (NDA-2 and NDA-3) application types. The Biosimilar product should be evaluated and approved by at least one of HAS‟s reference agencies namely Australia, Health Canada, Europe, United States. Approved biosimilars must be demonstrated, through extensive characterization and appropriate clinical trials, to be as safe and effective as originators for the benefit of patients.

Keywords: Biosimilars, Health Science Authority (HAS), NDA-2, NDA-3, EMEA, Clinical Trial Certificate (CTC), MAV, MIV


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1. Europe. European Medicines Agency. Guideline on Similar biological medicinal products, CHMP/437/04 Rev 1 [Internet]. EMA; 2014 Oct 23 [cited 2019 Aug 03]. Available from:
2. Health Science Authority. Frequently asked questions: Health Product Regulations, Therapeutic Product Registration [Internet]; 2014 Apr 22 [cited 2019 Aug 3]. Available from:
3. Guidance on registration of Biosimilar Products in Singapore, Appendix 15 [Internet].; Nov 2016 [cited 2019 Jul 22]. Available from:
4. Guidance on Therapeutic Product Registration in Singapore, Chapter E [Internet].; 2019 Jan 15 [cited 2019 Jul 29]. Available from:
5. Guidance on Therapeutic Product Registration in Singapore, Chapter F [Internet].; 2019 [cited 2019 Jul 29]. Available from:
6. Guidance on Therapeutic Product Registration in Singapore, Chapter B [Internet].; 2019 Jan 15 [cited 2019 Jul 29]. Available from:
7. Guidance on Therapeutic Product Registration in Singapore, Chapter C [Internet].; 2019 Jan 15 [cited 2019 Jul 29]. Available from:
8. Guidance on Therapeutic Product Registration in Singapore, Chapter G [Internet].; 2019 Jan 15 [cited 2019 Jul 29]. Available from:
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How to Cite
Kalva, S. R., S. R. Kalva, and S. K. Gumme. “Regulatory Architecture of Biosimilars in Singapore: A Critical Overview”. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs, Vol. 7, no. 3, Sept. 2019, pp. 34-39, doi:10.22270/ijdra.v7i3.341.