COVID-19, Herd Immunity and Nanotechnology- A Review

  • Ravi Kumar Sah Student
  • Mukesh Kumar Bhagat
  • Upama Niraula


Covid-19 had been the global pandemic cases across the world since WHO declared it as pandemic diseases. It has been global crisis which had impacted globally on health and economic sector at a time. This review article had covered the detail of COVID-19 in brief detail, its epidemiological data, herd immunity and vaccination program, vaccine development status. Also this article the nanotechnology used in vaccine development process and its future prospective. This article had been concerned over the SAARC Nations epidemiology data related to COVID-19.

Keywords: SAARC, Vaccination, India, Global Pandemic


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How to Cite
Sah, R. K., M. K. Bhagat, and U. Niraula. “ COVID-19, Herd Immunity and Nanotechnology- A Review”. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs, Vol. 9, no. 1, Mar. 2021, pp. 15-21, doi:10.22270/ijdra.v9i1.451.