Indian Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Industry- An overview on Challenges, Opportunities & Regulatory prerequisites

  • Shefali Singh Department of Regulatory affairs, School of pharmaceutical sciences,Delhi pharmaceutical sciences and research university, New delhi
  • Harvinder Popli Delhi pharmaceutical sciences and research university, new delhi


Active pharmaceutical ingredient is a chemical compound which is most important raw material to formulate a finished pharmaceutical medicine and has a pharmacological effect.  India has a long history of being heavily dependent for these raw materials on China due to one major reason i.e. Low manufacturing cost. But overdependence of APIs imports from China brought various liabilities to India including supply chain disruption and price hikes during pandemic, leading to shortage of various important APIs/KSMs. This COVID 19 widespread has solidly put the center of our country on being “Atma Nirbhar”. And this activity had brought out the strengths, market patterns and opportunities in five divisions counting Healthcare, which are basic from country’s point of view. In view of changing geo-political situation and recalibrated trade arrangement, it is crucial that India become self-reliant within the generation of APIs and KSMs, which is why decreasing the Import reliance for Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) & Key starting materials (KSMs) particularly from china has been focused upon with the assistance of productive linked incentive scheme (PLIS) passed by Department of pharmaceuticals, Government of India to thrive Indian API industry.

Hence, this review highlights the current state of Indian API industry, evaluates challenges, opportunities give suggestions for moving forward for self-sufficiency of APIs as well as centers on current regulatory prerequisites for Active pharmaceutical Ingredients.

Keywords: Active pharmaceutical ingredients, Indian API Industry, overdependence, PLIS Scheme, API market insights, Regulatory prerequisites


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Author Biography

Harvinder Popli, Delhi pharmaceutical sciences and research university, new delhi

Director, School of pharmaceutical sciences


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How to Cite
Singh, S., and H. Popli. “Indian Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Industry- An Overview on Challenges, Opportunities & Regulatory Prerequisites”. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs, Vol. 9, no. 2, June 2021, pp. 66-76, doi:10.22270/ijdra.v9i2.471.