A Comprehensive Study on Counterfeit Medicine and its prevention in India through its Regulatory Approach

  • Suryaprakash Singh Chandigarh College of Pharmacy
  • Priyanka Gupta


A counterfeit medication is one which is intentionally and false mislabeled with relevance identity or source. Counterfeiting applies to both brand and generic products which incorporate items with wrongs ingredients, without active ingredients, with inadequate active ingredients. Worldwide, each nation is that the survivor of substandard or spurious drugs, which end in life threatening issues, loss of consumer and manufacturer and loss in trust on health system. Internationally, the trade in counterfeit drug is of the quickest developing grey economies – after narcotics, terrorism, and arm trade.

In term of revenues, India Is world’s leading in generic companies. India has the notoriety of being a significant producer of the world's counterfeit drugs. Counterfeit drugs structure 10% of the counterfeit drugs in line with the world Health Organization (WHO).  As Per BASCAP-"Drug industry is that the premier falsified industry in India".

The point of this enumerative review was to clarify the effect of poor-quality drugs with their outcomes on public health and also the preventive measures taken by the Indian drug administrative framework by CDSCO. India should adopt the technologies present in other countries to combat counterfeit medicine.

Keywords: Counterfeit, CDSCO, WHO, BASCAP


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How to Cite
Singh, S., and P. Gupta. “A Comprehensive Study on Counterfeit Medicine and Its Prevention in India through Its Regulatory Approach”. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs, Vol. 10, no. 2, June 2022, pp. 9-13, doi:10.22270/ijdra.v10i2.515.