The Legal and Institutional Framework of Market Surveillance and the Fight against Spurious, Falsely Labelled, Falsified or Counterfeit Product in West Africa: The Case of Togo

  • Sandra Wotsa VIDJRO Laboratory of Health Law and Economics, EA7307-CEIE, University of Strasbourg – France
  • Fatima GUIET MATI Laboratory of Health Law and Economics, EA7307-CEIE, University of Strasbourg – France
  • Serge-Antoine AMARI Department of Galenic Pharmacy, Cosmetology and Legislation, UFR Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, Félix Houphouët-Boigny University of Cocody, Abidjan- Côte d’Ivoire
  • Jean-Yves PABST Laboratory of Health Law and Economics, EA7307-CEIE, University of Strasbourg – France


The worsening of the phenomenon of the circulation of spurious, falsely-labelled, falsified or counterfeit product (SFFC) in the world has prompted several African countries to take part in a number of international initiatives and to develop national strategies. Although often unknown to the general public, in Togo, there are institutions and bodies in charge of regulation, and a legal framework for the control and monitoring of the drug market. The law n°2009-007 of May 15, 2009 on the public health code and the law n°2015-10 of November 24, 2015 on the penal code are the main legal instruments that allow, in addition to the international conventions to which Togo is a party, to define the legal framework, the qualification of the offences and the sanctions applicable in the context of such offences. While the definitions and sanctions imposed may be diverse, the penal code remains the most specific text incriminating offenses in the context of PMQIF.

Keywords: Togo, Counterfeit, MEDICRIME, PALERME, Market Surveillance


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Author Biographies

Sandra Wotsa VIDJRO, Laboratory of Health Law and Economics, EA7307-CEIE, University of Strasbourg – France

Direction of Pharmacy, Medicines and Laboratories, Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Togo Republic. Laboratory of Health Law and Economics, EA7307-CEIE, University of Strasbourg – France

Fatima GUIET MATI, Laboratory of Health Law and Economics, EA7307-CEIE, University of Strasbourg – France

Direction of Pharmacy and Traditional Medicine, Ministry of Health, Population and Social Affairs. Laboratory of Health Law and Economics, EA7307-CEIE, University of Strasbourg – France

Serge-Antoine AMARI, Department of Galenic Pharmacy, Cosmetology and Legislation, UFR Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, Félix Houphouët-Boigny University of Cocody, Abidjan- Côte d’Ivoire

Direction of Pharmaceutical Activity, Ministry of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage, Côte d’Ivoire Republic. Department of Galenic Pharmacy, Cosmetology and Legislation, UFR Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, Félix Houphouët-Boigny University of Cocody, Abidjan- Côte d’Ivoire

Jean-Yves PABST, Laboratory of Health Law and Economics, EA7307-CEIE, University of Strasbourg – France

Laboratory of Health Law and Economics, EA7307-CEIE, University of Strasbourg – France


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How to Cite
VIDJRO, S. W., F. GUIET MATI, S.-A. AMARI, and J.-Y. PABST. “The Legal and Institutional Framework of Market Surveillance and the Fight Against Spurious, Falsely Labelled, Falsified or Counterfeit Product in West Africa: The Case of Togo”. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs, Vol. 10, no. 4, Dec. 2022, pp. 24-31, doi:10.22270/ijdra.v10i4.555.